Browsing Tag: life

This & That

So not much has happened here in the last week…only a big storm that came through Wednesday and some parts of town got softball sized hail. My boss actually gave all of the employees the option of leaving work early that to get home before the storm hit [his mom asked him to let out […]

With Sadness Comes Happiness.

Last week was a whirlwind, and an emotional one at that. Tim and I decided to start our search for a beagle puppy a couple weeks ago. With a little help from a fellow friend, we found one at a rescue shelter here in Saint Louis and gave her a visit last Sunday. We instantly […]


Moments. Life is filled with them—some good, some bad, and some are blonde. I live for moments that make life that much better, no matter how big or small. One of my most remembered [and slightly embarrassing] “aha!” moments was when I figured out my car’s windshield wipers are speed controlled—I had owned the car […]