Browsing Tag: basements

Slowly, But Surely…

…the basement will get done. It didn’t see much loving in the month of April, mainly because Tim traveled a lot last month [to 5 different states to be exact]. So only minimal work was achieved, plus one really exciting thing! So this is what the basement currently looks like standing just to the left […]

Basement Progress…Finally!

Framing of the walls has finally begun! This is where I feel like I can finally start getting excited because our vision is starting to become real. There’s still a lot to be done, but framing the walls is a huge step! Again, sorry for the quality of my photos…I think my camera is craping out […]

Weekend Projects Galore Pt. II

I’m finally getting around to putting pictures up of some of the things that have been accomplished over the last couple of weekends…sorry if it’s a long post. Project #1 So, starting with the biggest project going on in the house—the basement. Here are a few pictures of what the basement looked like when we […]

Weekend Projects Galore Pt. I

So, I haven’t really updated the blog this past week, but that’s because we didn’t really do anything during the week that was worthy enough of a post. However…the last couple weekends [especially this one] has been filled with house projects. So this is what we’ve done over the last couple weekends. No pictures tonight […]

Basement Update

There isn’t a whole lot of progress being made right now…but Tim has all of the walls down and is almost done clearing out all of the debris. We pretty much have the new floor plan decided on, but there’s a lot to do before we start thinking about putting walls back up: dry–locking the […]