Browsing Category: Fitness

Coming Out of Hibernation

I’ve taken a break from running the last couple of winters, and it has seriously been the best thing. I’ve always enjoyed running in lower temps. I’m basically a sweaty mess whenever I run no matter the temperature, so why not stay cooler in the mean time. St. Louis has pretty mild winters compared to […]


I have this weird fascination (more like obsession) with monthly subscription boxes. There are so many! I only subscribe to three boxes (though there’s several more I’d like) because those subscriptions add up quick. So I thought I’d start reviewing the boxes I get! One of those boxes is Stridebox. I’ve been subscribed to Stridebox the longest (roughly […]

GO! St. Louis Halloween Half Marathon

I completed and PR’d my third half marathon today! I honestly didn’t know how I would do because A) I just wasn’t all that excited for it and B) it was raining off and on during the race. My goal time was 1:55 and I crossed the finish line with an official time of 1:54:42. Woohoo! […]

Triathlon #4

I did another sprint triathlon just two weeks after my last one. And guess what? Tim did this one, too! I did the Tour de Kirkwood sprint triathlon for the first time two years ago, and since I wasn’t able to do it last year I wanted to be sure to do it this year. […]

Triathlon #3

This past weekend, I raced in the New Town Triathlon for the second year in a row. It’s a challenging race (and one of the more competitive tris in the St. Louis area) but I’ve had fun doing it the last two summers. My only goal this year was to finish better than last year. […]

Pre-Race Jitters

My triathlon is Sunday morning and the pre-race jitters have already set in. Instead of focusing on the progress I’ve made during my training over the last 8ish weeks, all I can think about is what I should have done more of—more swimming, biked longer, practiced transitions. I did this triathlon last summer, so at least I’m […]