
I love Easter. It’s basically my favorite holiday. Flag Day beats it by a smidgen, but that’s because I’ve always thought it was silly. But for me, Easter has always been the official start of spring. We go to church, and then out to my grandparent’s farm. Well, this year was no different. We got up, went to church, came home for a bit and then headed out to the farm. We no longer have Grandpa’s 4-wheelers or Easter egg hunts to occupy our time after lunch, so this year a few of us decided to go explore an old, abandoned one-room school house and a family home and also do some trap shooting. Normal Easter, right? Sure…

1) Old one–room school house 2) Stairwell in an old abandoned home 3) Trap shooting 4) Broken gate 5) Farm scene 6) Leaving Nebraska
