2015 Goals

Happy new year!

Just like everyone else, I’m making a list of things I’d like to accomplish over the next year. I’ve always thought that new years resolutions are little over-hyped (versus goals), but at the same time it’s a great thing to think about and work towards. I mean, what else is there going on in the Midwest during the winter other than snow? Actually, there’s hockey, but that doesn’t take up a lot of time.

I have a mix of goals. I want to keep them realistic without being too easily on myself.

• More side/personal projects. I have one in the works now I’m pretty excited about.

• Maybe even a couple freelance projects?

• Learn (or continue working on) a new skill like photography and calligraphy.

• Truly fall in love with what I’m doing with my career.

In life…
• Bake more! I took a break from it, but get need to get back into it.

• Learn to live with what I have and clear the clutter. Not shopping for clothes for the past year has really taught me some things. So for 2015, I’m applying the no shopping rule to the house. I want to work towards living with less stuff. Maybe not quite a minimalist, but there is definitely things we don’t need or have room for. But this also applies to life in general…simplify.

• Accept the fact that I’m not a fast runner. This one may actually be a bit hard for me. I get upset when I don’t consistently hit my 8:00/mile pace during training. Which, to be honest, doesn’t happen as much as I’d like. It’s okay to be 30 or 45 seconds slower. So instead of strictly focusing on trying to get fast, I’m going to concentrate on being a more rounded athlete. I’m also pretty excited to start focusing more on triathlon races and really start to embrace the sport.

Here’s to 2015 and everything it may bring!
